In honour of Earth Day, the "Green Team" I run at the high school I work at and I held a bake sale to generate funds for various wildlife and conservation groups from around the world. There were tons of goodies including cinnamon buns, banana bread, a German chocolate cake, cookies and TONS of different cupcakes!! The sale was very successful and we were able to raise a whopping $103.00!!! After much consideration we decided to donate the funds to these wonderful charities:


This donation helps a wonderful organization in Chad who have dedicated themselves to protecting the remaining elephants of the Central African nation. We know our donation will go towards the building of a new elephant orphanage and help educate the communities to realize how important these incredible animals are!!

With this donation we were able to purchase a fire-wood saving stove for a family living around the Virunga National Park, DR Congo. These stoves use 75% less fuel than regular stoves and create a lot less smoke as well! We also made sure that we donated enough to have a tree planted to help rebuild the gorillas habitat.

We used our remaining $25.00 to sponsor a nest through a the new Guatemalan grassroots group Akazul. Created and run by the incredible sea turtle power couple Scott Handy and Sarah Lucas, we knew our donation would be in great hands!!! Unfortunately 100% of sea turtle nests laid in Guatemala are poached and sold to markets in the large cities that is why it is so critical to buy back as many nests as possible and hopefully by the time those babies are ready to re-produce the consumption of turtle eggs will be a thing of the past!!
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