Wow after a very long day at the high school I work at (exams are in 2 weeks so you can imagine the chaos!) I drove out to the animal control I always rescue from and was able to save four precious angels that were slated for euthanasia this coming Friday. My wonderful friend, and dive buddy, Shelley agreed to take the three little monkeys who all came in separately as strays.
I was able to get out Scooby - a beautiful medium hair kitten who is just full of life and LOVES to be cuddled!!

*Scooby On Death Row*
Shelley also agreed to foster Lilac - a teeny tiny tortie baby who is just 6 weeks of age. I had the little angel up in the front seat with me as I drove back to Shelleys house. The poor little girl trembled all the way there. I am not sure if she was cold from the A/C blasting in my hybrid or if she was just terrified out of her mind? Either way, she is safe tonight and has a bright future ahead of her!!

*A Very Scared Lilac At The Shelter*
Last but not least is Dexter who has turned out to be the naughty little kitten who things he's a great big Tom Cat!!! If you look at Dexter the wrong way he gets all hissy and thinks he's tough stuff! However, Dexter doesn't realize he is only like one pound and can fit in the palm of my hand hahaha so really he just needs Shelley's foster turned adopted cat Liam to put him in his place and show him who the real boos is!!!

*The Naughty Little Man Dexter!*
Just hours before I was to head out to the shelter I received an exciting email from a Toronto Cat Rescue volunteer asking me to rescue a Siamese cross while I was at the shelter. It is always such a great feeling being able to get out an adult while the majority of rescue groups are saving kittens only during the summer months. Of course none of them deserve to die, but it's always a treat for me to save an older cat. "Becky" the Siamese is absolutely stunning to look at and even sweeter to be around! I can guarantee that she will be adopted in a flash as she is just adorable and simply wants to be loved! All of the kittens and "Becky" will be available for adoption after their two week quarantine through Toronto Cat Rescue

*Precious Becky Who's Picture Doesn't Do Her Any Justice*
Hopefully it won't be long till I can rescue again!! The cages at the animal control were completely full. Of course as I was leaving with my four rescues a local resident was surrendering 2 adult cats and 2 kittens claiming they were "strays" - ugh it will never end will it?!?
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