Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Gardens Are Complete!

Yay!! I wanted to share with you some brand new pictures of my gardens in my backyard. Last year I started a butterfly garden in hopes of attracting some rare and beautiful monarchs that frequent Southern Ontario in the summer months. In April all of the perennials I planted last year started coming back and now they are HUGE and flowering! I was so proud of "Bambi's Butterfly Garden" (hahaha) that I decided to extend it and plant some additional native flowers/plants. In addition to the sneezeweed, butterfly milkweed and snakeroot that I planted last summer, I have also now added some black eyed susans and other various "butterfly plants" that will hopefully attract them to my garden!

*Bambi's Butterfly Garden*

For the first time ever I have also completed my very own Organic Vegetable Garden!! Yay I am sooooo proud of it! Yesterday I headed over to Toronto's sustainable Evergreen Brick Works organization and picked up some organic cucumber, bell pepper and tomato plants which I planted this morning! Here's to hoping that all my little veggies grow nice and big and I can enjoy some beautiful organic salads on the deck this summer! Not only am I so proud of my little gardens but it is also very sustainable and helpful to the environment. Growing my own organic veggies will prevent unwanted trips to the grocery store and not to mention all of the polluting miles it takes for one tomato to make it from the farm to the fork! Also, my butterfly garden has enabled me to plant native species which will benefit the local environment and provide a home and food for other little bee's, animals and insects.

*Gizmo's Organic Vegetable Garden*


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